

Mats Carlsson – Sweden

Ninjutsu Training Manual

My first impressions are it’s great! The book has a comprehensive overview of the Bujinkan fundamentals in a beautiful format with high-quality and educational photos. The layout and structure of it are very clear and to the point. The people I’ve shown the book to confirm that it can serve as an inspiration for youths and adults!
Dean Rostohar – Croatia

Ninpo: Wisdom for Life

Thank You for this book. It is really incredible. Anyway, as you know, we all have small problems in our dojo. Every time I have a problem I take out this book, open it up and picking some random text. I always find an answer to the problem, and Hatsumi soke explains it very well. This is really amazing!
Karl Koch – USA

Kukishin Ryu Sanshaku Bojutsu

These books are high quality and I have all of them on my shelf at both the dojo and home. These are a must. Thanks to Rich Maloof for his work on the Sanshaku Bojutsu book – it will be the basis for our focus on Hanbo next year. Looking forward to more!


L. Relf – USA

Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu

Enjoyed this translation from another one of Fujita Seiko’s works on martial arts. If you’ve trained in Jojutsu or Jodo, regardless of art, there are many good reference points within this translation. Simple and to the point, but not for beginners wanting to learn from a book and not a qualified instructor.
Amazon Customer – Germany

Takamatsu in China (series)

If you enjoyed the first book then you will enjoy this one! If you missed the first, be sure to go back and get it as well. You’ll enjoy familiar Kamae, movements and history. I can’t wait for more. Thank you for merging two of my favourite arts!
Nick Karapasas – USA

Kukishin Ryu Training Journals

It’s nice to have something with the names of the kata and the kanji in a format that lets me write in my own notes and illustration. If you’re looking for an affordable training journal for about the cost of a completely blank journal… this works very well!


    Kihon Press
    PO Box 566
    Katonah, New York 10536
    United States of America